



19:00-20:00 大山 A link based network route choice model with unrestricted choice set
20:00-21:00 若林 Modeling one-way shared vehicle systems: an agent-based approach
20:30-21:30 芝原 Dynamic latent plan models
10:00-11:00 伊藤 Risk-averse user equilibrium traffic assignment:an application of game theory
11:00-12:00 浦田 Behavior-consistent real-time traffic routing under information provision
15:00-16:00 井料先生(神戸大)Multiple equilibria in a dynamic traffic network in general settings
19:00-20:00 大山 Incorporating space-time constraints and activity-travel time profiles in a multi-state supernetwork approach to individual activity-travel scheduling
20:00-21:00 福山 時間制約下の遷移確率に着目した複数目的地選択肢集合の生成手法
19:00-20:00 Shifique Careful Use of Machine Learning Methods is needed for Mobile Application: A case study on Transportation-mode Detection
15:00-16:30 力石先生(広島大)Collectiveモデルの概要と交通分野における適用例
19:30-21:00 福山 Bayesian approach to detect pedestrian destination-sequences from WiFi signatures
19:00-20:00 藤垣 デマンドバス/タクシーの均衡・最適化・循環モデル
20:00-21:00 福田
10:00-12:00 伊藤 予測と観測の統合による人物動態把握手法の開発
12:00-14:00 日下部 選択肢の認知-学習過程を考慮した都市空間における経路選択機構の分析
10:30-11:30 森部 異なる尺度を持つデータの統融合手法を援用した移動-活動シミュレーションの開発
11:30-12:30 井村 スマホ・アプリを利用した熊本都心回遊調査の分析
18:00-18:50 芝原 Dynamic microsimulation of location choices with a quasi-equilibrium auction approach
18:50-19:40 今泉 Incorporating location, routing And inventory decisions in supply chain network design
19:40-20:10 浦田 Constrained optimization approaches to estimation of structural models, Econometrica
8:30-9:20 森部 An analytical approximation for the macroscopic fundamental diagram of urban traffic
9:20-10:10 福田 Economic geography and international inequality
10:20-11:10 福山 集落の教え100,集落探訪
11:10-12:00 日下部 An integrated behavioral model of the land-use and transport systems with network congestion and location externalities
12:50-13:40 吉野 Transit route and frequency design: Bi-level modeling and hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm approach
13:40-14:30 柳沼 A simulation evaluation of the maximum approximate composite marginal likelihood (MACML) estimator for mixed multinomial probit models
14:30-15:20 井村 SVMを用いた移動滞在判定と今後の研究計画について
15:40-16:30 今泉 Global optimization method for mixed transportation network design problem: A mixed-integer linear programming approach
16:30-17:20 伊藤 Optimization of transit priority in the transportation network using a decomposition methodology
17:20-18:10 芝原 Congestion Pricing and Learning in Traffic Network Games
18:10-19:00 浦田 Dynamic network traffic assignment considered as a continuous time optimal control problem, Operations Research
11:00-12:00 井村 サポートベクトルマシーンについて



1. 回遊・行動モデル 

● Kasemsuppakorn, P., Karimi, H.A. (2013). A pedestrian network construction algorithm based on multiple GPS traces, TransportationResearch Part C, 26, 285-300.

● Danalet, A., Farooq, B., Bierlaire, M. (2013). Towards anactivity-based model for pedestrian facilities, 13th Swiss TransportResearch Conference.

● Arentze, T.A., Timmermans, H.J.P. (2005). Information gain, noveltyseeking and travel: a model of dynamic activity-travel behavior underconditions of uncertainty, Transportation Research Part A, 39, 125-145.
● Han, Q., Arentze, T., Timmermans, H.J.P. (2013). Learning and affective responses in location-choice dynamics, Environment and Planning B, Vol.40, pp.78-94.

● Helsley, R.W., Zenou, Y. (2014). Social Networks and Interactions in Cities Social Networks and Interactions in Cities, Journal of Economic Theory, 150, 426-466.
● Ronald, N., Arentze, T., Timmermans, H. (2012). Modeling social interactions between individuals for joint activity scheduling, Transportation Research Part B, 46, 276-290.

● Choudhury, C.F., Ben-Akiva, M., Abou-Zeid, M. (2010). Dynamic latent plan model, Journal of Choice Modelling, 3, 50-70.

● Bierlaire, M., Bolduc, D., McFadden, D. (2008). The estimation of generalized extreme value models from choice-based samples, Transportation Research Part B, 42, 381-394.

2. ゲーム理論 

● Bell, M.G.H., Cassir, C.: Risk-averse user equilibrium traffic assignment: an application of game theory, Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 36, pp. 671-681, 2002.
● Doebeli, M., Hauert,C.: Models of cooperation based on the Prisoner's Dilemma and the Snowdrift game, Ecology Letters, Vol. 8, pp. 748-766, 2005
● Sandholm, WH.: Evolutionary Implementation and Congestion Pricing, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 69, pp. 667-689, 2002.

● Iwasa, Y., Lee, JH.: Graduated punishment is efficient in resource management if people are heterogeneous, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 333, pp. 117-125, 2013.
● Zhang, X., Zhang, H.M., Huang, HJ., Sun, L., Tang, TQ. (2014) Competitive, cooperative and Stackelberg congestion privcing for mltiple regions in transportation networks, Transportmetrica, Vol. 7, pp.297-320, 2011.
● Ramadurai, G., Ukkusuri, SV.: Dynamic Traffic Equilibrium: Theoretical and Experimental Netowrk Game Results in the Single Bottleneck Model, Transportation Research ecord, Vol. 2029, pp.1-13, 2006.

3. サービス系基礎理論 

● K, Talluri., Garrett, R., (2004) Revenue Management Under a General Discrete Choice Model of Consumer Behavior. Management Science 50, 15-33.
● Lin, J. R. and Yang, T. H. (2011). Strategic design of public bicycle sharing systems with service level constraints, Transportation Research Part E, 47, 284-294.
● Ciari, F., Dobler, C., and Axhausen, K. (2012). Modeling one-way shared vehicle systems: an agent-based approach, International 13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research Toronto.





● 資料


A link based network route choice model with unrestricted choice set

再帰的に選択肢の先のリンク情報を繰り込み,選択肢を列挙しない経路選択モデルを構築する.価値観数をログサム変数を用いて表し,ベルマン方程式を解くことで選択確率をロジット型で表す.リンク重複にはLink Size修正項を導入して推定を行っている.
(Fosgerau, M., Frejinger, E., Karlstrom, A. (2013):Transportation Research Part B, Vol.56, pp.70-80.)

● 発表資料
● 議事録


Modeling one-way shared vehicle systems: an agent-based approach

マイクロシミュレータ (MATSim) への実装に向けた, oneway型カーシェアリングのモデリングの提案を行う. MATSimは繰り返し計算を行うことにより, 1日のスケジュールやプランを変更しながら最適解を算出することが出来る. oneway型カーシェアの導入により, "1つのサブツアーに対して複数の交通手段が与えられる", "サービスの利用可能性の問題"という問題が生じるため, これを解消する手法を構築する.
(Ciari, F., Dobler, C., and Axhausen, K. (2012):International 13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research Toronto.)

● 発表資料
● 議事録


Dynamic latent plan models

(Choudhury, C.F., Ben-Akiva, M., Abou-Zeid, M. (2010)., Journal of Choice Modelling, 3, 50-70.)

● 発表資料
● 議事録


Risk-averse user equilibrium traffic assignment:an application of game theory

(Michael G. H. Bell, Chris Cassir.,Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 36, (2002), pp.671-681)

● 発表資料
● 議事録


Behavior-consistent real-time traffic routing under information provision

driverの経路選択に影響する情報の与え方をcontrollerの戦略としてネットワーク制御を行う枠組みをを提示.Rolloing horizontal approachで動的な問題を静的に扱い,情報の伝搬を政策変数としたSO,交通流をDTAで再現し,定式化を行っている.
(Paz, A., Peeta, S.,Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 17, pp. 642-661, 2009.)

● 発表資料
● 議事録


Incorporating space-time constraints and activity-travel time profiles in a multi-state supernetwork approach to individual activity-travel scheduling

人の1日の行動を予測し分析するActivity Modelの研究が従来取り組まれてきたが, 選択肢集合の列挙や詳細な行動表現に課題が残る. そこで場所, 手段, 活動の3状態をネットワークで表現するMulti-state supernetworkの考え方を用いて個人のスケジューリング最適化問題をモデリングする手法によって, 詳細な現実行動のモデル化を提案している.
(Liao, F., Arentze, T., Timmermans, H. (2013). Transportation Research Part B, Vol.55, pp.41-58.)

● 発表資料



時間制約下で駅を出発して複数の目的地を訪れ駅に戻る一連の目的地選択について,全体行程の効用を考慮しながら逐次的に選択を行う動的な意思決定過程のモデルを構築するとともに,この場合の選択肢集合について,選択段階の経過に伴う残り時間の減少とこれによる空間的制約条件の変化を考慮した生成手法を提案する.時間制約下での各選択段階におけるトリップの目的地の選択確率は,1つ前のトリップの目的 地と残り時間により定まる遷移確率をもつマルコフ連鎖により表され,これを用いて列挙を行う.残り時間の 推移を決める移動時間と滞在時間の分布はプローブパーソンデータ等の観測データを用いて設定する.

● 発表資料
● 議事録


Careful Use of Machine Learning Methods is needed for Mobile Application: A case study on Transportation-mode Detection


● 発表資料
● 議事録


Bayesian approach to detect pedestrian destination-sequences from WiFi signatures

(Danalet, A., Farooq, B., Bierlaire, M., Transportation Research Part C 44, pp. 146-170, 2014)

● 発表資料
● 議事録



● 発表資料
● 議事録


● 発表資料
● 議事録



(中西 航, 2014)

● 発表資料
● 議事録



(山川 佳洋, 2009)

● 発表資料
● 議事録



(伊藤創太, 2014)

● 発表資料
● 議事録



● 発表資料
● 議事録


Dynamic microsimulation of location choices with a quasi-equilibrium auction approach

(Hurtubia, R., Bierlaire, M., Martinez, F., Proceed-ngs of the 12th Swiss Transport, 2011.)

● 発表資料
● 議事録


Incorporating location, routing And inventory decisions in supply chain network design

(Amir Ahmadi Javid, Nader Azad:, transportation research part E, pp. 582-597, 2010.)

● 発表資料
● 議事録


Constrained optimization approaches to estimation of structural models, Econometrica

(Su, C.J., and Judd, K.L.:, Vol. 80, pp. 2213-2230, 2012.)

● 発表資料
● 議事録


An analytical approximation for the macroscopic fundamental diagram of urban traffic

(Daganzo, CF, Geroliminis, N.:, Transportation Research Part B, Vol.42, pp. 771-781, 2008.)

● 発表資料
● 議事録


Economic geography and international inequality

(Stephen Redding, Anthony J. Venables:, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 62, pp.53-82, 2004.)

● 発表資料
● 議事録



(原広司, 彰国社, 1998/藤井明, 建築資料研究社, 2000)

● 発表資料
● 議事録


An integrated behavioral model of the land-use and transport systems with network congestion and location externalities

(Mario Bravo, Luis Briceno, Roberto Cominetti, Cristian E. Cortes, Francisco Martinez:, Transportation Research Part B, Vol.44, pp.584?596, 2010.)

● 発表資料
● 議事録


Transit route and frequency design: Bi-level modeling and hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm approach

(Szeto, W.Y. and Jiang, Y.:, Transportation Research Part B, Vol.67, pp.235-263, 2014.)

● 発表資料
● 議事録


A simulation evaluation of the maximum approximate composite marginal likelihood (MACML) estimator for mixed multinomial probit models

(Bhat, C.R., Sidharthan, R.:, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Vol.45, No.7, pp.940-953, 2011.)

● 発表資料
● 議事録



● 発表資料
● 議事録


Global optimization method for mixed transportation network design problem: A mixed-integer linear programming approach

(Paramet Luathep, Agachai Sumalee, William H. K. Lam, Zhi-Chu Li, Hong K. Lo:, transportation research part B, pp. 808-827, 2011.)

● 発表資料
● 議事録


Optimization of transit priority in the transportation network using a decomposition methodology

(M.Mesbah,M.Sarvi,I.Ouveysi,G.Currie:, Transportation Research Part C,Vol.19(2),pp.363-373,(2011).)

● 発表資料
● 議事録


Congestion Pricing and Learning in Traffic Network Games

(Melo, E.:, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 13(3), pp. 351-367, 2011.)

● 発表資料
● 議事録


Dynamic network traffic assignment considered as a continuous time optimal control problem

(Friesz, T.L., Luque, J., Tobin, R.L., Wie, B-W.:, Operations Research, Vol. 37(6), pp. 893-901, 1989.)

● 発表資料
● 議事録



● 発表資料
● 議事録