Univ. Tokyo BinN Studies Unit > Seminar > 2022 >The 21st Summer course
The 21st Summer course
We, BinN Studies Unit at The University of Tokyo, have been learning about behavior model, from basics to applications. During this summer (Sep. 2022), we are organizing a special seminar. This series of 4 days lectures and exercises will be an insight in Model Estimation. This annual event has been held since 2002 and this is the 21st time. People from all around Japan, including from Univ. Kyoto, Univ. Nagoya, Univ. Hiroshima and etc., will be meeting together. They major in Civil Engineering, Urban Planning ,and Architecture. Vigorous front-line researchers will be instructing you in methods of parameter estimation and probabilistic decision making model. Contents of this upcoming camp are as follows. Looking forward to seeing you in September.

Teodor Gabriel Crainic | Université de Montréal | |
Tetsuo YAI | Tokyo Institute of Technology | |
Arnab Jana | IIT Bombay | |
Daisuke FUKUDA | The University of Tokyo | |
Eiji HATO | The University of Tokyo | |
Fuga MAYUZUMI | The University of Tokyo | |
Giancarlos Troncoso Parady | The University of Tokyo | |
Hajime WATANABE | The University of Tokyo | |
Hideki YAGINUMA | Tokyo University of Science | |
Hiroe ANDO | Kumamoto University | |
Kuniaki SASAKI | Waseda University | |
Makoto CHIKARAISHI | Hiroshima University | |
Riki KAWASE | Tokyo Institute of Technology | |
Risa KOBAYASHI | The University of Tokyo | |
SCHMOECKER Jan-Dirk | Kyoto University | |
Shafique Muhammad Awais | University of Central Punjab | |
Shinya KURAUCHI | Ehime University | |
Takamasa IRYO | Tohoku University・The University of Tokyo | |
Takao DANTSUJI | Kanazawa University | |
Takuya MARUYAMA | Kumamoto University | |
Yuki OYAMA | Shibaura Institute of Technology | |
Yusuke HARA | Tohoku University |
Application Form
Registration is now closed.
Previous seminars
You can see the photos and final products of previous seminars.
20th seminar (2021. 9.15-19)
19th seminar (2020. 9.12-15)
18th seminar (2019. 9.21-23)

Date : 23-25th, September 2022
Place: UTokyo Hongo Campus (Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 1.) & Online
*Lectures with Japanese names on the schedule will be offered in Japanese
8:30-8:40 | 開会/Opening Eiji Hato (UTokyo) | |
8:40-10:00 | Commemorative Lecture Deterministic/Stochastic Demand Optimization for Urban Logistics, Prof. Teodor Gabriel Crainic (Université de Montréal) | |
10:00-11:00 | 初学者の為のPythonとRチュートリアル 小林里瑳・渡邉萌(東京大) | |
11:00-12:00 | エスキース | |
12:00-13:00 | 昼食/Lunch | |
13:00-14:00 |
Lecture Series 1:Behavioral Modelling and Machine Learning 1. Basics of behavioral modelling, Arnab Jana (IIT Bombay) 2. Size matters: The use and misuse of statistical tests in discrete choice models, Giancarlos Troncoso Parady(UTokyo) | |
14:00-15:00 | Break1 | |
14:15-15:45 |
3. Fundamentals of neural network modelling, Makoto Chikaraishi (Hiroshima University) 4. Fundamentals and applications of weak learners, Muhammad Awais Shafique (University of Central Punjab) 5. Overview of machine learning, Hideki Yaginuma (Tokyo University of Science) | |
15:45-16:00 | Break2 | |
16:00-17:00 |
6. Recursive structure of decision-making in networks: Modeling and estimation, Yuki Oyama (Shibaura Institute of Technology) 7. Behavioral mechanism design and Bayesian truth serum, Yusuke Hara (Tohoku University) |
Statistics in Behavioral Models and Evolutionary Coupling of Machine Learning
Arnab Jana × Giancarlos Troncoso Parady × Makoto Chikaraishi × Muhammad Awais Shafique × Hideki Yananuma× Yuki Oyama × Yusuke Hara
How is machine learning changing behavioral and network models? Through statistical grounding and applications of weak learners and neural networks such as RNNs to the field of transportation such as spatio-temporal correlation, traffic identification, and image processing, you will learn about new decision-making models with recursive structures and cutting-edge research approaches such as behavioral mechanism design.
9:00-10:00 |
1. 行動モデルの導入 倉内慎也(愛媛大) 2. 推定の基礎 佐々木邦明(早稲田大) | |
10:00-10:30 | Break | |
10:30-11:30 |
3. ネットワークモデルの基礎 円山琢也(熊本大) 4. ネットワークモデルの応用 井料隆雅(東京大・東北大) | |
11:30-13:00 | 昼食/Lunch | |
13:00-14:30 | #1 BinN Research Seminar: Latest Optimization Theory and Network Problems Chair: Jan-Dirk Schmoecker (Kyoto University) Talk: Takao Dantsuji x Fuga Mayuzumi x Riki Kawase 1. Meta-reinforcement learning for multi-modal multi-region coordinated control, Takao Dantsuji (Kanazawa University) 2. A structured programming method for matching heterogeneous demand in mixed freight and passenger network, Fuga Mayuzumi (UTokyo) 3. Optimization of inventory transportation strategy, considering the procurement of goods by the affected population, Riki Kawase (Tokyo Institute of Technology) |
#1 BinN Research Seminar: Latest Optimization Theory and Network Problems
Talk: Takao Dantsuji x Fuga Mayuzumi x Riki Kawase. Moderator: Jan‐Dirk SchmoeckerThere is a growing interest in optimal transportation planning of behaviors and people and goods on networks. When transportation behavior is viewed as a problem of matching heterogeneous preferences and combinatorial optimization, network flows need to be solved as an NP-hard problem, and thus coupling with neighborhood search, column generation, structured processing of alternatives, and AI-assisted parameterization becomes important. Invited talks by three young researchers representing our field will provide graduate students with an overview of these current research issues, while Schomocker moderates a discussion of the latest research results.
10:30-12:00 | #2 BinN Research Seminar: Can Urbanists Change Cities with Diverse Mathematics? Chair: Yusuke Hara(Tohoku University) Talk: Risa Kobayashi x Hiroe Ando x Hajime Watanabe 1.Modeling and Case Study of Land Transaction Mechanism with Gale-Shapley Algorithm, Risa Kobayashi (UTokyo) 2. Characteristic of transport network based on the eigenvalue analysis, Hiroe Ando (Kumamoto University) 3. Bayesian sample selection model for dealing with non-randomly missing travel behavior outcomes, Hajime Watanabe (UTokyo) | |
12:00-13:00 | 昼食/Lunch | |
13:00-14:00 | 基調講演:私と行動モデル 屋井鉄雄(東京工業大) | |
14:00- | プログラミング競技推定結果発表/Presentation of estimation results 10min/team, BinN Young Prize Ceremony, 香澄賞,Davis賞授賞式 | |
18:00-20:00 | オンライン懇親会/Online wrap up party |
#2 BinN Research Seminar: Can Urbanists Change Cities with Diverse Mathematics?
Talk: Risa Kobayashi x Hiroe Ando x Hajime Watanabe, Moderator: Yusuke HaraWhen we recursively relate behaviors on transportation networks through large data to urban transformation and planning interventions, will this bring unprecedented new theories and analytical methods to the field of behavioral modeling? Through the results of eigenvalue analysis of patterns using big data, mutual dynamic mechanism of land transactions, and self-selection problems by young researchers working on unexplored issues, we would like to think about the development of new estimation and analysis methods for behavioral models on networks through discussions with Hara, who is working on advanced research on mechanism design. We would like to consider this through discussion.
Access to Hongo Campus
About 10 minutes walk from Hongo-Sanchome ST.(Marunouchi Line) or Todaimae ST.(Nanboku Line).
Please come to Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 1.


Contact Us
email: bmss at bin.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp (replace at with @)